Fill Up Their Book Shelves

“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” — Garrison Keillor

Help Us Spread Joy

Imagine the joy on a kid’s face when they pick out their very own book at a Pop-Up Books fair—when they take it home, explore new worlds, make new friends, and create that lifelong love of reading.

Thanks to generous donations from donors like you, we make that joy possible for kids in communities with book deserts. Every $5 you donate allows us to give one free book to a kid at a Pop-Up Books fair.

Recurring gifts make it possible for us to pop up at community events and parks all over town. A $15 monthly donation is a great place to start, but we welcome recurring and one-time gifts of any size if you prefer to choose your own amount!

Make A One-Time Donation

Your gift to Pop-Up Books Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. | EIN: 88-2334431